EVERYTHING you need to know to help you succeed financially

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Current Articles

A Social Critique of Financial Independence, Retire Early

Why we dont have a lower, middle, and upper class system

An overview of what has happened to the dollar post Covid

Live by reducing risk and spotting get rich sales pitches

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Personal Finance Topics


My Foundations of Personal  Finance

Follow these three simple rules to build the foundation for financial freedom.

The secret to following the road less traveled is to start small, and to be consistent. My goal in writing articles for this blog is to help you on your journey at no cost to you, just your time and attention.  We can all achieve our individual financial goals through straightforward and proven ways by thinking and acting like investors not consumers.

Investor Class Mindset

No matter how far you are in your walk of life it is important for you to properly define wealth. We should not let popular news outlets, social media channels, or even some teachers, misguide us. 

There are many people that choose to live for today and who treat themselves to the finer things before they've earned them. Before long they are bankrupt and can't even enjoy the lifestyle of a 50k salary.

True wealth is usually not seen. The real wealthy or rich person is a lender not a borrower, pays themself first, and understands how money works.  They understand that it is not income but their behavior that has created their wealth. 

They have the freedom to work for an employer or to make their investments provide the income they need. A doctor or lawyer with a Jumbo loan is bound to work for their boss (the bank, and their employer).

Consumer Class Mindset

How would you define the working class and middle class? These two groups of people usually have a very similar thought process and may even behave in a very similar manner.

There are rare instances where people bought a home and the value skyrocketed, but this happens after decades of waiting, and this is the exception not the rule. Often times the working and middle class believe blindly that their home is an investment. 

They don't understand that money is something to keep and multiply. They give away the money they make consistently, like a habit, to the rich. This is done without any force, and with a big smile, while buying the bigger TV or the shiny new car. The worst part is that often these items are acquired through debt (credit card, car loan, personal loan, etc.).

Its important to not get stuck in the mentality of consumerism. The gratification that comes from buying the new shiny car is short lived. And when it becomes a habit, it will lead to financial ruin in the long run for the group of people that doesn't change their behavior.

Get a free $50 to start investing! Use this link to open an investing account with SoFi!. Don't allow inaction to jeopardize your future. Start earning compound interest today!